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This page contains additional information on various topics that cannot be categorized.

Character Name Change Card

3737587063.png Character Name Change Card

This card changes your character name.

Cannot use while in formation, name can't be shorter than 2 characters and longer that 24 characters.

Colored name will be lost.

Obtained from CRP Shop or Green Slotmachine.

Nation Name Card

3728060887.png Nation Name Card

This card changes the color of your gear name.

BCU Name

ANI Name

Obtained from CRP Shop or Killmark Shop.

Brigade Name Change Card

3728344741.png Brigade Name Change Card

This card changes the name of your brigade.

Name can't be shorter than 2 characters and longer that 29 characters.

Obtained from CRP Shop.

Random Name Access. Capsule

3737593607.png Random Name Access. Capsule

Random Name Access. Capsule is a capsule type item, optained from missions or from Auction House. After opening it will drop one name decoration (wings), such as:

3728034817.png [Name Decor. 1 Year] Yellow
3728034817.png [Name Decor. 1 Year] Magenta
3728034817.png [Name Decor. 1 Year] Orange
3728034817.png [Name Decor. 1 Year] Cyan

Additional stuff

Player Info

Alt + left click on player will show you some additional action:

Alt info.png

Mission tab

You can show/hide mission objectives by b-stopping and clicking on the mission name on the UI, it's collapsed by default for fps improvement purposes.

Mission Tab - Shown.png
Mission Tab - Hidden.png