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Revision as of 22:54, 10 February 2022 by Ludak (talk | contribs)
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Hello there,

Welcome to a very in depth guide on my side of the upmost popular gear, A-Gear. As per the wiki discord, i will be giving you texted tips and pictured weapons and armors to get as close as possible in explanining on how to run this gear properly. I will not be giving you recipes for making these armors as its just a bunch of work not needing when you can simply find out for yourself ingame right-clicking on an item and clicking on recipe info. Its not that hard

VERY BIG DISCLAIMER. READ THIS BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE: The photos and texted tips are builds battlefield tested in this server for 4 years now (its been that long?) by myself and other A-Gears that have played for awhile and this wiki is for explaining said builds that are the most viable ones for begginers and restarters (people who havent played in awhile but have the grasp of game). This isnt something you should stick to like mac to cheese. You are more than welcome to experiment on your own in weapons, armors and builds you think would best suit you. END OF DISCLAIMER

So, if u see added text or pictures that dont explain anything or lead to nowhere, im probably working on it and rest assured the wiki will be completed by the time u blink.

As for Ranzu, I promise by the end of next week there will be a full explanation and an in depth review of this lovable gear, I PROMISE (jokes on you i keep promises)(TAKE TWO I GUESS). ~ludak

Breakpoints on standard weapons

Before we even start, id like to add the table of breakpoints made by Ranzu, for the specific purpose of building your gear around it, as most of the weapon builds for your standard weapon revolve around breakpoints. NOW, if u want to learn more about it, there is actually a thesis that i will attach in the near future to prove how said breakpoints work. TL;DR breakpoints work as a kind of measurement of how much bullets u can fire at a certain frame per second, in this case 30 and 60. If u build the weapon in a certain breakpoint range u will minimize wasting extra cards on reattack since anything 10%-+ fires the same ammount of bullets as the breakpoint reattack. 99% of weapons out there revolve around breakpoints for 60 fps since its no longer 2010 and everyone pretty much runs 60 fps on their computer. AN EVEN SHORTER TL;DR: everybody runs on either 45 or 56 reattack breakpoint, i will build my wiki according to those breakpoints, just so you are aware.

30 Fps 60 Fps
4 4
12 12
19 19
26 26
34 34
41 41
49 49
56 56
63 63

Breakpoints are shown here:


The recomended engines for your AG would be these 3:

File:A-X.png File:Accounter-A IX -'27-.png File:Accounter-A V1 -'17-.png

Now, you could go and make some other obscure build of your own that would work mostly for you, but as for airsiege being +2, this is the way to go. The AX of course giving you the most shield in your build, and Accounter 17 giving you the most defense. Pick is yours, you can go even lower level of engine to get even more defense for yourself, but u will lose out on speed by a long.

As for CPU, the only one i could recommend is Adagio:


There isn't anything else out there that would fit AGs as far as attack/defense build goes. My only suggestion for a build would be to go for 338 attack in stats and rest in whatever your preference is. Most of the AGs run around defense stats for whatever remains when you put 338 attack stats in. You can also go for shield if surviving more than two GBMs in the face by BGs is your option. Hybrid builds are also welcome but not recommended by myself unless you see yourself into making something unique.


Armors are the most essential tool for your survival and damage in this game. In Chrome Rivals, you will need to own more than one armor to be able to hit and kill every type of gear and build that is running around this server. Under the pictures will be tips on how to build said armors accordingly so that you maximize its potent ability.

  1. 1

Advanced Revival

The first set of pictures is your standard Warpoint armor for your gear that you can aquire in War Point Shop :

File:Advanced Revival Guarder V1.png File:Advanced Revival Guarder V2.png File:Advanced Revival Guarder V3.png

The armors are the first thing you can aquire unless you find it cheaper in Auction House. The final armor is pretty decent but not the best armor in game as you will see reading foward. I would generally build this armor with both Testament of Testament fixes for pierce and Origin of Origin fixes for accuracy and go for full defense enchants.

  1. 2

Halloween armors

Now, the past events gave upgrades for the Advanced Revival V3 armor which made its potency even bigger and evolved it into a meta armor which means its one of the best if not the best armor to have in this game. Nowadays, this armor can only be acquired by other players either by trading or Auction House. Pictures below:

File:Grim Revival Guarder.png File:Grim Revival Guarder V2.png File:Tarantula Guarder.png

As you can see, the Grim Revival V2 is and upgrade from the Grim Revival and has pretty nice ratio compared to boss armors which will be shown below. It is a sacrifice of 1,5% defense and 1,5% pierce compared to boss armors for over 1000 HP and 3,5% accuracy to gain. Build it with both Testament of Testament fixes for pierce and Origin of Origin fixes for accuracy and go for full defense enchants. Dare i say if u want a third option dueling against full attack IGs my go-to tip is go for Tyranny of Tyranny fixes as its the best minmax/acc fix out there and trust me, it works for that specific situation EVERY TIME.If you feel like this armor beats the boss ones, you should start searching for this. Also, Tarantula guarder is here for reference on how bad a meta armor can become and definetly not a reccomendation unless you're trying for a specific IG airsiege chasing armor with Origin of Origin fixes(i have seen myself leave an ig on 100 hp more than i can admit and that 5% standard distance can really mean death or 100hp duel, trust me on that one). That pretty much covers what i did with these armors.

  1. 3

HP armor

Next up, an armor for Health Point lovers, which can be obtained from War Point Shop:

File:Advanced Schneider Guarder V1.png File:Advanced Schneider Guarder V2.png File:Advanced Schneider Guarder V3.png

Pretty standard stuff. I would build also with both Testament of Testament fixes for pierce and Origin of Origin fixes for accuracy and go for full shield/energy enchants or full defense enchants, either way works and is highly dependant on what you target with this armor.

  1. 4

Boss armors

Now for the main course. The boss armors can be aquired rather easy nowadays as there is plenty for these to go around after 4 years of endless looting by players. They drop from boss armor capsules, specific bosses that will be explained under armors, Unknown A-Gear-s that spawn in Eopi, trading with players or Auction House.


File:Creticus Guarder.png File:Qart's Cloak Guarder.png

The Creticus is designed for accuracy or to go against IGs, BGs with evasion and anything else that dares go evasion for reasons unknown to myself. They drop from every single Pandea map chain boss, including goldies. The best armor fixes is Origin of Origin as it shells out the most accuracy and makes the most out of this armor, tho you can consider going Tyranny of Tyranny. Origin of Origin gives 18% standard radar range which is the best because IGs tend to keep distance from AGs, and 20% minmax on Tyranny of Tyranny can be a great close quarters brawler against anything that keeps being close to you, which you will rarely encounter.


File:Quellease Guarder.png File:Jormungandr Guarder.png

Quellease is designed for pierce or to go at anything that has defense. Ordin from the moon map Eopi drops this armor, as well as golden mobs in the map. The best armor fixes for this is Testament of Testament, period. Main go-to armor once you get the final armor.

  1. 5

Event armors

These armors are event armors and might return to Event shop depending on the event. If there are no events enabling you to drop these armors, the only other ways is trading players for it or buying it for a hefty price at Auction House:

File:A-Gear's Sleigh.png File:Ultra Block Guarder.png